Thursday, August 20, 2009

US News And World Report College Rankings

US News And World Report College Rankings

Top Three US News College Rankings A­s usua­l, t­he­r­e­ a­r­e­ fe­w­ m­a­j­o­r­ m­o­ve­s up o­r­ do­w­n a­m­o­ng­ co­lle­g­e­s t­his ye­a­r­, but­ t­he­ r­a­nking­s r­e­m­a­in a­ ho­t­ t­o­pic o­f de­ba­t­e­ a­m­o­ng­ e­duca­t­o­r­s. W­hile­ fe­w­ o­pe­nly e­m­br­a­ce­ t­he­ ide­a­ o­f num­e­r­ica­lly r­a­nking­ co­lle­g­e­s (US­ N­­ews­ C­ol­l­ege Ran­­kin­­gs­), so­me ca­l­l­ t­he ra­n­ki­n­gs a­ hel­p­f­ul­ co­n­sumer t­o­o­l­. Wi­l­l­i­a­ms hea­ds t­he l­i­st­ o­f­ l­i­bera­l­ a­rt­s co­l­l­eges whi­l­e Da­rt­mo­ut­h wi­n­s a­ n­ew ca­t­ego­ry­ ra­n­ki­n­g co­mmi­t­men­t­ t­o­ un­dergra­dua­t­e t­ea­chi­n­g. N­ews i­s t­he mo­st­ cl­o­sel­y­ wa­t­ched ra­n­ki­n­g o­f­ un­dergra­dua­t­e p­ro­gra­ms, but­ i­t­ ha­s a­ gro­wi­n­g n­umber o­f­ i­mi­t­a­t­o­rs — wi­t­h v­ery­ di­f­f­eren­t­ i­dea­s a­bo­ut­ wha­t­ ma­kes a­ t­o­p­ co­l­l­ege.

T­he l­a­t­est­ edi­t­i­o­n­ o­f­ t­he co­n­t­en­t­i­o­us but­ cl­o­sel­y­ f­o­l­l­o­wed “A­meri­ca­’s Best­ Co­l­l­eges” a­p­p­ea­rs o­n­l­i­n­e a­n­d i­n­ p­ri­n­t­ T­hursda­y­. P­eren­n­i­a­l­ co­n­t­en­ders Ha­rv­a­rd a­n­d P­ri­n­cet­o­n­ sha­re t­he t­o­p­ sp­o­t­ i­n­ t­he l­a­t­est­ edi­t­i­o­n­ o­f­ t­he i­n­f­l­uen­t­i­a­l­ U.S. Cl­emso­n­’s p­resi­den­t­ a­ckn­o­wl­edged he ra­n­ked hi­s o­wn­ scho­o­l­ hi­gher t­ha­n­ a­n­y­ o­t­her un­i­v­ersi­t­y­ when­ he resp­o­n­ded t­o­ t­he ma­ga­zi­n­e’s p­eer rev­i­ew quest­i­o­n­n­a­i­re — a­ surv­ey­ t­ha­t­ a­cco­un­t­s f­o­r 25 p­ercen­t­ o­f­ a­ scho­o­l­’s sco­re. T­ha­t­ deba­t­e wa­s rei­gn­i­t­ed ea­rl­i­er t­hi­s y­ea­r when­ a­ f­o­rmer Cl­emso­n­ Un­i­v­ersi­t­y­ a­dmi­n­i­st­ra­t­o­r descri­bed t­he scho­o­l­’s co­o­rdi­n­a­t­ed ef­f­o­rt­s t­o­ mo­v­e up­ t­he l­i­st­.
Liberal arts colleges - defined as schools that emphasize undergraduate education and award at least half of their degrees in traditional liberal arts fields - get their own rankings in U.S. News & World Report's annual "Best Colleges" list. Smaller in student population but no less rigorous than the nation's large universities, students flock to these schools in search of smaller class sizes and more personal attention from top faculty. Here are the top 10 schools on U.S. News' list for 2010.

Powerball winner

Powerball winner
A Powerball winner had not come forward in the last several drawings, but a Powerball winner finally hit all the Powerball numbers last night. ThePowerball Winner Finally Hits All Powerball Numbers in South CarolinaPowerball winner drought had pushed the Powerball numbers to be worth over $259 million in last night's drawing. But one winner finally got all of the Powerball numbers last night, though no one yet knows who it is. However, this Powerball winner gets to take home $259 million to his or her's home of South Carolina.
The Powerball winner finally claimed the growing jackpot by hitting all the Powerball numbers - 12, 24, 31, 43, 51, the Powerball of 27 and the Power Play of 5. It had been over two months since there was a Powerball jackpot winner, as the numbers became more and more valuable and the grand prize increased to near-record levels. But at last, a Powerball winner reportedly came forward at the end of last night's number drawing. All that the lottery's website would reveal was that the Powerball winner comes from South Carolina - not Florida, Pennsylvania, New Jersey or the other major states that play the game.
Having the Powerball winner come from South Carolina is a rare bit of good news for the state, after it has had a tough last few months with Mark Sanford and other embarrassing political scandals. The Powerball winner has given the state some positive attention at last, as well as the envy of every lottery player. The Powerball winner has the choice of taking the $259 million in a series of payments, or claiming an instant lump sum that will just be worth around $125 million. Once the Powerball winner comes forward, then the choice will likely be revealed.

Avatar teaser trailer

Avatar teaser trailer
Avatar teaser trailer goes live In case you haven't heard, the trailer for James Cameron's eagerly awaited 3D epic Avatar has gone live at the Apple QuickTime Movie Trailers site. Apple seems to be having problems with its site this morning, but keep checking back until it's there — that's all we'll be doing this morning! If you simply can't wait, though, you can see the trailer here (in French, discovered by Cinematical) or a much cruder version here on YouTube (while it lasts!).
Here’s the quick recap: Jake Sully (Sam Worthington) arrives (in his wheelchair) on Pandora. He sees the planet’s beauty and, though him, we’re quickly introduced to the ten-foot tall alien Na’vi avatars. Implanted in his Na’vi body, Jake leads us on an exploration of Pandora. We see Zoe Saldana’s Na’vi character and Jake’s imprinting session with Pandora’s version of a dragon. (Hey Anne McCafferey, did you get a royalty check?) There’s even a glimpse of Pandora at night, and a little bit of the new power suits in action, which weren’t much seen in the Comic Con footage. We don’t see Sigourney Weaver, but do get a glimpse of Drag Me To Hell’s Dileep Rao as one of the Avatar technicians.
After teasing fans with a countdown clock, Apple Trailers failed to deliver the teaser trailer to James Cameron’s Avatar at the advertised time. Whether it was a server crash, an overload or what, I don’t know. What I do know is that whilst Apple failed, MSN managed to get the French trailer up and online on time. Shortly thereafter our friends at Trailer Addict did the same. Fortunately there is only a second of dialogue in the trailer so watching it in French matters very little. Once the high quality English version is available, I’ll update the post, but for now, I know you want it any way you can get it, so check it out after the jump.
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