Michael Keaton talked to David Letterman on the Late Show with David Letterman, on CBS this evening about his broken foot and saving orphans.You can watch the video after the jump. For grins, next time you're in the mood for a movie, go rent "The Paper" with Michael Keaton and Glenn Close. Released in 1994, it involves a day in the life of a New York City tabloid newspaper.
It's a bit like a denizen of the year 1909 trying to fathom the relevance of what went on behind the scenes of 1894's cutthroat horse and buggy industry while Henry Ford's factories roll out Model T after Model T, dramatically changing the world's landscape -- for better and worse -- in ways we're still dealing with here in the 21st century. Recently, someone asked me about the last time I'd picked up a newspaper, and I couldn't honestly remember when that was.
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