Thursday, August 27, 2009

Nick Youngquest

Nick Youngquest
Former NRL star Nick Youngquest has now moving his ways and it seemed that he wanted to become one of the hottest gay icons in UK. Nick Youngquest has recently posed ‘Attitude’, a UK Gay Magazine. Since his hot pictures hit the internet, he is making headlines and attracting some popular internet columnist towards himself and one of them is celebrity blogger Perez Hilton.
Nick Youngquest poses his naked buck for Attitude Magazine. Nick Youngquest, 26, first posed for Naked Rugby League Calendar 2007-2008 and now you can see his ‘hidden talent’ in a UK-Based Gay Magazine’s September issue. The Australian professional Rugby League player, who plays for English Championship team Gateshead Thunder, was born on July 28, 1983 in Sydney (New South Wales). People must have not forgotten Youngquest’s posing naked, although for a very noble cause; Raise funds for National Breast Cancer Foundation, in 2006. Despite NRL’s backing off the project, Nick did it and served the cause as well as earned the fame through a very much ‘Revealing’ pose. The “tasteful” calendar was shot by non other than celebrity photographer, Pedro Virgil.
Full Back Nick Youngquest’s ‘quest’ for posing naked seems to have taken deeper roots in his heart as he continues to expose his inner a bit more. Let’s see whatever he receives for his ‘Naked Buck’ this time. “Sex Issue” of the magazine, where Nick has posed, includes plenty of various other artists and athletes who are purposefully posing enticing. He has recently married to Kassy Lee, in June whom he met at the Cosmopolitan Galliano 2008 Hottest Bartender of the Year Awards. She was among the contestants of “So You Think You Can Dance Australia.”

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