That’s because everyone knows how much little Michael Jackson adored Diana Ross — as portrayed in Dreamgirls, with Beyonce as Diana Ross inside the room with her cohorts while the little actor playing Michael Jackson waits outside the door, listening, waiting for “Deena” as Diana Ross. So I’m checking Google News here for any “Michael Jackson” and “Diana Ross” news reports listing any statement she’s made.
Michael Jackson was fascinated by celebrity tragedy. He had a statue of Marilyn Monroe in his home and studied the sad Hollywood exile of Charlie Chaplin. He married the daughter of Elvis Presley. Jackson met his own untimely death Thursday at age 50, and more than any of those past icons, he left a complicated legacy. As a child star, he was so talented he seemed lit from within; as a middle-aged man, he was viewed as something akin to a visiting alien who, like Tinkerbell, would cease to exist if the applause ever stopped.