Julie A. Corey went to a New Hampshire homeless shelter on Tuesday night and told staff there that she was the mother of the six day old baby. However, she seemed to know very little about the baby and so, suspicious, the staff informed the police. Remarkably, the baby, who Darlene Haynes had intended to call Sheila Marie, appears to be in "fairly good health" in hospital.
Julie A. Corey reportedly told neighbors she was pregnant with a baby girl when she moved into 3 Henry Terrace Apartments in April. “She said she was due in June,” said a neighbor. “She called me over on Friday and said she had the baby on Thursday. “That was it. She wasn't nervous at all. I didn't question it because nowadays hospitals are baby drive-throughs.” The neighbor, in an interview this morning, said Ms. Corey, 35, and her boyfriend, Alex Dion, had moved into apartment 7A, where Alex's uncle lived.