I’m packing up tonight to head out early in the morning to travel to the National Book Festival in Washington, D.C.! I cannot wait. After an exceptionally tough week at work and being treated for strep throat, this is exactly what I need. I’m making plans to listen to John Irving, Judy Blume, Jeannette Wells, and David Wroblewski speak. I’m going to try to get John Irving and possibly David Wroblewski’s autographs, but after my experience last year, I know that anything might happen.
In addition to a wonderful day of books and authors, I am going to get the opportunity to meet some of my wonderful book blogging friends! That, to me, is almost more exciting than the books and the authors. So many of them have become my friends and I can’t wait until I can say they’re my friends IRL as well. We’ll all be celebrating at one book festival or another (there’s one in Baltimore this weekend, too!) and then meeting up for dinner at 6. You are sure to hear all about my experience on Sunday. A special thanks to my dear husband Danny for taking one for the team and staying home with the girls tomorrow. I owe you one!