Springsteen then threw himself into his four-song set, a highly anticipated series of songs that had Las Vegas oddsmakers taking bets on which tunes he'd select. He opened with "Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out," and worked in one of his trademark across-the-stage knee slides The move wasn't without risk: He slid into one of the on-stage cameras, and seemed to be winded when he transitioned into "Born to Run.
Next up was his newest piece, "Working on a Dream," which was backed by a choir. He then closed out with a playful version of "Glory Days" that fittingly altered the lyrics to fit the occasion: Springsteen's old high school buddy was "a big football player" instead of "baseball," and threw a "Hail Mary" instead of a "speed ball the crowd as the show came to an end, looking at their watches as the clock wound down.
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