The fact that the judges have started to inexplicably pimp him (after bashing him throughout the first half of the season) makes me resent his presence even more. Evan's got a massive number of fans who think he can do no wrong (how else to explain his staying power?), which scares me. To think that he could beat out a well-rounded, spectacular dancer like Brandon or Kayla? Hell to the no!
As far as the ladies go, I'm still not over Janette's elimination from last week. (I know, I need therapy.) I was almost as sad to see Melissa go this week. She was this season's real underdog, and her arc on the show proved that you can teach an old dog new tricks. (She also has a sparkling personality and drop-dead gorgeous looks, which didn't hurt.) When I look at the two eliminated contestants, I think about all the memorable routines they've danced this season: "Romeo and Juliet," "The Age of Aquarius," "Breast Cancer" and Ade's gravity-defying flips.
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