The National Association for College Admission Counseling released a report Wednesday questioning the value of SAT test preparation courses. I find it interesting that this report was released on the same day that American Idol (or should it be American Idle??) announced its big winner. The value of SAT test prep programs is not relevant to this article. The example that parents set for their children is very relevant. You will do far more for your children, and far more for our nation, if you establish a culture of learning and accomplishments in your household.
Folks, education and intellect are just not respected in our culture. That’s a shame. If you doubt me, ask any school teacher and you will hear myriad stories of parents that don’t emphasize education to their children. Yet, you will find plenty of parents that emphasize athletics (yes, I know, your kid is going to get that scholarship!) and spend their evenings glued to television’s Idol, Bachelor and Bachelorette, or half a dozen other silly programs.