Showing posts with label breast cancer awareness month 2009. Show all posts
Showing posts with label breast cancer awareness month 2009. Show all posts

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Breast cancer awareness month

Breast cancer awareness month
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Below is a list of resources you can use to share this important topic with family, friends, coworkers, and fellow medical students.
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month website
This site has important information for patients who are newly diagnosed with breast cancer, survivors of breast cancer, support groups, and breast cancer Q&A. It also includes informational links on breast cancer, inflammatory breast cancer, male breast cancer, early detection, clinical trials, and screenings and mammograms. They also have an events section highlighting breast cancer walkathons and events in your area. You can share this information with your medical school class and get involved.
American Cancer Society
The ACS has information on the National Cancer Information Center, ACS site on breast cancer, guidelines for early detection of breast cancer, guidelines for breast cancer treatments, the Reach to Recovery program (a support group made of volunteer breast cancer survivors), the Cancer Survivors Network, and a host of other resources for women.
It was at this point that Gagnon decided to take an active role in raising money for breast cancer research, including her participation in the Making Strides walk. She and Stewart worked together to raise funds and promote the Making Strides event. This is Gagnon’s third year in the walk. “I decided that’s going to be my thing, to raise as much money as I can to find a cure,” she said. After experiencing low oxygen levels, Stewart entered the hospital this year, on the Tuesday after Easter. She kept working at her job until the Friday before.
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