Jewellery and computer and video equipment worth at least double that amount were also taken, as well as Miss Bellucci’s passport – something she needed this week to travel to Hollywood. ‘It was clearly a meticulously planned burglary,’ said one of the officers investigating the burglary in Boulevard de Ménilmontant, in the French capital’s 20th arrondissement. ‘The thieves are believed to have struck just as the stars were appearing on television in Cannes on Sunday evening.
‘They entered the fourth floor apartment via a balcony, smashing a window in the process. Then they pretty much cleared the flat out of anything which was valuable and could be removed easily. ‘There have been plenty of cases of the homes of professional footballers being targeted while they are playing in high-profile matches, but this appears to be the first time that the same kind of thing has happened to actors.’ The 45-year-old former model has appeared in numerous films, including Irreversible and The Passion Of The Christ, in which she played Mary Magdalene.