Monday, July 20, 2009


Benlysta is an experimental lupus (Any of several forms of ulcerative skin disease) drug which produced positive consequences in a company-backed study has encouraged its makers on Monday to advertize the Benysta drug as potentially the 1st latest drug for lupus in semi century.
The Benlysta drug acts similar to a sort of biological volume control, dialing down the strength of the protected response which attacks lupus patients' tissues, habitually wreaking chaos in essential organs. All 865 patients under examination were given normal treatment for lupus along with steroids as a mainstay of treatment.
Company officials said that more Benlysta patients were capable to decrease their steroid dose and with it also the bloating and other side effects of steroid use. David Stump from “Human Genome Science Inc.” (Which developed the Benlysta drug with “GlaxoSmithKline”) said that it is exceptional news that all investigators they have shown (results) are just delighted. They have not had a first-class clinical trials result in years. Now patients of Lupus should have some hope, too.

July 20 1969

I know exactly where I was July 20, 1969 when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon. I was at my grandparent's house, sitting on the floor in front of the TV. Well just to the right of the front of the TV so everyone else could see.
My grandparents had one of those big National Geographic World Atlas and I had it in my lap looking at the map of the moon trying to find the Sea of Tranquility. Then I drove everyone nuts by continuously pointing it out to everyone and saying "they're right there, that's where the astronauts are".
Walter Cronkite was saying man has landed on the moon. My grandfather always complained about Walter Cronkite saying he was a democrat and never reported anything good about the republicans. Funny, even though grandfather complained we never watched anybody but Cronkite.

Clougherty Packing llc

Clougherty Packing llc has been noted as having provided the government with two pounds of sliced ham in return for $1,191, 200. That's a fairly impressive price to be getting for a couple of pounds of pig and there is indeed something wrong with the numbers there. As Hot Air notes, it's more likely to be a typo and as Red State corrects itself, it's actually for 800,000 lbs of ham packed into 2 lb packages.
Well, no, there's something a little more interesting that can be said as well. Clougherty produce the Farmer John brand: they are also owned by Hormel. Who is it that owns Hormel? That's a slightly more complex question, as it's a series of family trusts that own a near majority of the company. Exactly and precisely how the income from that stake is split amongst the various trusts is more than we're going to find out in just one afternoon.
However, one of the near certain beneficiaries of at least one of these trusts is James Hormel, the ex-Ambassador to Luxembourg under Bill Clinton. That is the same James Hormel that donated an awful lot of money to various Democratic campaign groups in the run up to the last election. Pelosi for Congress, Sestak for Congress and a number of others.
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