Friday, October 30, 2009

little buddy tracker

little buddy tracker
The "Little Buddy Tracker" is a must-have this holiday season to all parents worry about their children badass. This is a GPS tracking device that you put into your child's backpack or will notify you if your child leave the place where he felt would be.
As long as we’re not implanting chips into our kids I’m all for this idea. It’s a better solution than leashes or god forbid invisible shocking fences. According to reports, Kinderguard, the UK version of the tracker came out a few years back is doing quite well. The Kinderguard is a more technical device that measures your child’s vitals and alerts you if their heart rate, respiration or any other body part goes kaput. This desire for CIA-like surveillance powers over my kids is particularly out of character for me because I’m something of a civil libertarian. I’m, er, a proponent of the Free Range Kids movement which declares that our kids should have the same freedom that we did in the 70’s and before.
Well, the service remains in the still. I am officially now old-timer, that says something like, "Back in my days, life is different. We used to hold out until the streetlights came on. We used to ride our bikes around the block. No video games and Nickelodeon. But today young people to get driven everywhere.''

Thursday, October 29, 2009

mchenry county college

mchenry county college
McHenry County College, MCC, together with the children and college programs, ACT prep classes will be offered from 8 pm until November 7, 14, 21 and December 5 room E121 at the College, 8900 Route 14, Crystal Lake.
This four-day comprehensive class series is designed to improve student ACT scores and uses the Barron’s ACT Assessment book. Each class section focuses on specific subject matter, including math, science, reading and English. The Barron’s book is included in the cost of the class and is distributed the first day of class. The class does not include the actual ACT exam. Students should register separately for the exam and should consult their school guidance counselor.
Cost of class is $ 165 Students may register for class with a credit card by calling Customer Registration Office at 815-455-8588 and use course ID: NKC S04-002. Additional prep classes are scheduled throughout the school year. For more information, please contact Marie Frostman Tues, coordinator of educational opportunities for McHenry County College, at 815-479-7559 or e-mail

sears black friday 2009

sears black friday 2009
Sears Black Friday 2009 will be different. This year, Sears 2009 Black Friday sales do not start on Black Friday. This starting tomorrow (Friday) Sears introduced their "Black Friday Now" sales. In essence, instead of waiting until Thanksgiving to prepare a budget for market opportunities, Sears is to expand sales during the months of November and December. On Friday at 5 pm, hand doorbusters. Sears Black Friday 2009: Sears Black Friday stores Weekly Every Saturday morning after a new stretch doorbuster to 7 am until noon.
This year, Black Friday is more crucial for retailers than ever. Recently, an Office Max Black Friday ad was leaked by A cease & desist order from Office Max pulled the Black Friday ad from the site. The Office Max ad boasted deals on Acer netbooks, digital cameras, and more. Shoppers are going to be more budget-conscious this year. The credit crunch, increasing unemployment, and fear of the unknown are making consumers less anxious to buy. Even so, families still want to have a nice Christmas. It's just that instead of splurging, savvy consumers will hunt for the best deals in town.
Sears "Black Friday is now" selling is a great idea. Allow consumers the luxury that comes in the shop nearly two months before Christmas is a great idea. It helps consumers can not make it out to the Black Friday sales see deals as they wish. The sale should result in more hot spots in stores to Sears. This may lead to increased sales, as some people still shop by impulse.
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