Wednesday, November 11, 2009

veterans day thank you

veterans day thank you
This Veterans Day, the country needs time to think and to say thanks to military men and women who fought for the country and say thank you to those who currently do so. Veterans Day Ceremony American Legion Post 50. Located at 1633 North Bendix drive in South Bend. The event starts at 11 am For more information, please call (574) 287-2696.
Veterans also suffer from a higher rate of unemployment than the general population. Often, they are the subject of ridicule for failed and controversial policies for which they are not responsible but made to carry out, particularly when one is unable or unwilling to see the failings of the two-party system (which is really not all that different from a single party system). Every day, and especially on Veterans Day, every American should pause and reflect on the freedoms they enjoy. They should thank those responsible for giving them those freedoms. We as Americans should be disgusted by the politicization of the issue.
In spite of these victims are veterans often overlooked, but when it is politically convenient, or reprimanded for their services. They have been used by politicians from both parties (especially the Republicans in recent years or the Democrats want to score points with conservative or moderate voters).

veterans day quotes

veterans day quotes
Veterans Day, Memorial Day and Armistice Day celebrated on November 11. Many Veterans Day service is requested to send words of gratitude to veterans who gathered here to celebrate this holiday in honor of the annual U.S. military veterans. Use quotation marks Veterans Day cards, letters, e-mail, school programs, as well as for dissemination Twitter gratitude to veterans day 2009 for those who have served our country.
There are many appropriate Veterans Day quotes that can be used to share sentiments about Veterans who have served in the United States Military. Share them with others and use one or two today, Veterans Day 2009, to celebrate and honor our Veterans. Some quotes that are perfect for Veterans Day are written by famous people, past and present. Other quotes are recorded yet the writer is unknown.
Peace is not only better than war, but infinitely more difficult. -George Bernard Shaw It is so simple that freedom for granted, even if you never take it from you. -Author unknown, sometimes due to M. Grundler

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

marine corps birthday

marine corps birthday
The local group of Marine Corps League is the famous military wing's 234th Birthday with a ceremony by 10 clock today to mark the Overton Brooks VA Medical Center in Shreveport. There, members of the League of Floyd L. Baxter Red River Detachment and 875 Marines from Bravo Co., 1 Battalion, 23rd Marine Regiment, will conduct an appropriate ceremony marking the occasion. They will then cut a cake with a knife and the stake until all the cake gone.
The Corps’ strength has been consecrated in sacrifice and tested in battles over the years. Although always resilient in strength, the Marine Corps has continuously adapted and evolved, often through extraordinary innovation. Through it all, a renowned, revered legacy of excellence in battle and in all endeavors has amassed. Camp Lejeune shares in that legacy.
Although the center of the war and training for it has changed over the years, the fundamental nature of the war and the Marines to do it. In the 68 years since the base is a much changed, but the body and defining characteristics of the base of the commitment, the sacrifice of another, tirelessly excellence, courage and has remained timeless.
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