Friday, June 18, 2010

us vs slovenia

us vs slovenia

Player ratings of 2-2, the U.S. team to draw with Slovenia on Friday (on a scale of 1-10, the top 10): GK Tim Howard, 6: It was quite unrelated to the strike, both the Slovenian, but the team needed a large number American Stop or in effort Immersion long range or one-on-one chance that slipped under him. He can be slightly off-line preference for attacks Zlatan Ljubijankic the stated objective. Otherwise, it was a night to do everything right, the option to play safely with the stroke more difficult to catch.

D Steve Cherundolo, 7: A second straight solid. There was much interest at all in the first 45 minutes, but no doubt to ask beyond the center line after the break. As we saw on Saturday against England, which very well with Landon Donovan left. Cherundolo Donovan delivered the ball to the goal item. Defensively, he did well to rapid Andraz Kirman, usually the suffocation by the service wing. He was one of three Americans in the hazard map, but deftly avoided a booking. The man is an excellent World Cup.

A breakthrough for the performance of the young striker, a tour de force of target games, scoring a great night with a simple dismissal of the avalanche Bradley. With smart positioning and determination, won errors created danger dangerous places and has two yellow cards. His ability to run and run in the defense of Slovenia (or gain) was a constant threat. He had not done any favors to an arbitrator who makes defenders sometimes hinder or stop running. In fact, one referee with more on top of things, Slovenia may well be a man who for part of the raw material of Altidore.

gail posner

gail posner

Brett Carr is not a happy camper, not only his mother Gail Posner recently died, but now he goes to court to challenge their will - for $ 3,000,000 let her three dogs, and only $ 1,000,000 for it, as New York Daily News.

But would not that cut and dried as that. Carr goes to court over the issue of carers of their parents have benefited from her mother in her last days. He claims that she got to change without fully understand what she was doing - if the will were his assistants provides a lump sum of $ 26,000,000.The woman loved her dog a lot, however. Prior to his death he gave his dog a Cartier diamond necklace, Conchita, weekly visits and a gold whirlpool Escalade! Wow.

Carr is the grandson of well-known businessman Victor Posner, who also contested after his death in 2002. Victor was the man who in large measure for the first time in the leveraged buyout, and is best known for the hostile takeover of Shelly Steel Corporation in 1969.

usa slovenia world cup

usa slovenia world cup

If there is a question World Cup was not popular in the United States, questions were asked on Friday to rest. The United States, with the star Landon Donovan in the lead, fought a team game that Slovenia had much to look at the map, a 2-2 draw. But the score World Cup match should have been "USA vs. Slovenia: USA 3, Slovenia 2.

That third goal of the U.S. scored by the U.S. sub Maurice Edu, after the first kick Landon Donovan, was not told by the referee Koman Coulibaly, who called for a penalty of mysterious accused the United States for its offside when there was no evidence of such request return, has sent many Americans into a lather angry.

Watching the game the steps of Rome in the north of San Francisco, Playa district, my friend Beth Schnitzer texted that arbitrators "game" in the United States won. There is a Facebook group called "Fire Koman Coulibaly World Cup Ref NOW!" has begun and is gaining members. And a person unknown to many, World Cup referee Koman Coulibaly, has been successful in the U.S. Soccer fans and former NFL Ref Fred Swearingen - who had two very bad calls in two playoff games of the NFL - is in Oakland Raiders and Dallas Cowboys fans.
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