Tuesday, May 31, 2011

call of duty elite

call of duty elite

Video game company Activision finally unveiled, Elite, a new social layer of the wildly popular Call of Duty game. Elite was designed for the large community of players unite Call of Duty, and tools to offer to players of all levels improve their skills. Cross-platform services are becoming increasingly popular console game developers can not implement community-specific. Web players want their courage against console players and vice versa test. Elite goes beyond the game social networks like Facebook take. Users can join the Facebook accounts Elite automatically pull in the Preferences and friends who also use the service.

Elite is the introduction of groups and clans, which are much larger role in modern warfare 3, the next Call of Duty game will play. The groups are largely open, and may be based on something. If you eat lobster? You can sign in, or the "lobster" group. If playing the weapons? There is a group. Same for "Yankees" or "Los Angeles." Groups operate like fan pages on Facebook. Users can track and compare themselves with these mini-communities of players. A total of 64 users can join groups.

Clans are more limited. Users can only belong to one clan, and there is a limit to how many players can be in the clan. Call of Duty people were reluctant to clan will play in the next iteration, but promised that it would be essential. Recently, with the game designers for a demo of Elite. The room in a penthouse hotel room in Manhattan, pointed out the huge black lines of computers in the Elite skull logo. He spoke about the goals and plans of the Elite.

Sports Illustrated

Sports Illustrated

San Francisco residents, who are the next most popular news and sports, learning today that Sports Illustrated, a report of nine new players on the left side of the Ohio State University memorabilia scandal public. San Francisco residents can watch this story at the top of local news and sport KTVU Channel 2 News. The news comes at the end of the San Francisco to 10 hours. According to San Francisco's KTVU Channel 2 News, coach Jim tableau made ​​around $ 3,500,000 annually.

OSU has the star Terrelle Pryor, Devier Posey, Dan Herron and Mike Adams have already attended the memorabilia-for-tattoos scandal. The four players, all offensive starters were suspended for the first five games next season at Ohio 10 TV News, Sports Illustrated also uncovered allegations of pointers to the players trading items in exchange for marijuana.

If you go to the NCAA, and confirms that these players were in violation of NCAA rules, each likely to be satisfied with a four-game suspension. A Sports Illustrated story linked 28 current and former Buckeyes in the local tattoo parlor, where he argued that the players sport tattoos and memorabilia sales of other goods, in fact, in the case of defensive back Jermil Martin, a truck and four Rose Bowl tickets.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Arlington National Cemetery

Arlington National Cemetery

Any current or former U.S. service members buried in Arlington National Cemetery will receive a special honor of a member of a special group of women known as "The Arlington Ladies." As the co-anchor Jeff Glori reported in "The Early Show" on Memorial Day, take part in any funeral at the cemetery - a daily average of about 30 - it certainly is not veteran, being buried without a civilian witness - to tell if Glori said that "I can say on behalf of the soldiers and the country," You are not forgotten. "

"The significance of Arlington National Cemetery is almost overwhelming," Joayn Bahr, one of about 65 Arlington Ladies, told CBS News. He is the representative of the Army Arlington Ladies. Each member of the Arlington Ladies is not served in the military, or is related to someone who is.

"In many cases," said Bahr, "where family members can not come for health reasons, because of the distance of the journey, and I never want someone who gave their lives and service in this country to forget. "Arlington is our nation's most sacred and buried, Bahr says," If you look around and see the granite headstones, you see all the people who cared about our country enough to defend it and fight for freedom. "
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