Friday, June 5, 2009

David Carradine Murdered

This morning we woke up with the news that the suicide fact of well known Hollywood movie actor David Carradine is disputed. People close to him say David never called a suicide hotline, did not appear to suffer from depression and never mentioned receiving treatment from depression. Thai police says Carradine was not murdered and most likely died from Asphyxiation, reports WashPost.
David Carradine was a very talented actor. He had a long career in television, on stage and in the movies. He made an impression on many by the types of roles that he took. There was always a little mystery surrounding him as a person. He came across as a person who kept much of his life private; he was a shy person, according to some of his own statements. David came from a talented family of actors, so, it is no surprise that he was skilled at what he did.
If you grew up during the 70’s like I didb, you remember him from his television days. He was on Gunsmoke. Most noteworthy to a kid growing up during that time; he was a wise man on the show. He used his martial art skills in life to teach and inspire a young trainee on the television show, Kung Fu. Kids all around the nation wanted to be like “young grasshopper” with an adult who took the time to mentor him in life lessons.

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