Wednesday, July 21, 2010



Agriculture Minister Tom Vilsack today the following statement released in response to his conversation with Shirley Sherrod: "Today I made was to apologize to Shirley Sherrod. I told her I'm sorry was for the pain that is causing this she and her family and friends. " I reacted too quickly. I would have taken the time to listen and learn. "While I can not change what happened, I can try to make something out of this difficult incident.

were "As we know, Shirley to tell a unique and exciting history. She and her family discrimination endured and overcame adversity. Fighting for justice and equality ahead of them, the farmers who are fighting for their land to keep, fought for women in Not helped, confronted the social and economic justice and African-American men and women, discrimination. As USDA Georgia State Rural Development Director, she worked for the economic opportunity for all people by promoting job creation and business growth. And Shirley has shown tremendous character through the events of recent days.

"Shirley and I talked about a unique opportunity at USDA. With all that she has seen, endured and accomplished, it would be invaluable to have her experience, commitment and record of service at USDA. I hope she considers staying with the department.

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