Thursday, July 2, 2009

Game On Diet

"The Game On! Diet" turns fitness into a game. Developed by Az Ferguson to help ABC's "Grey's Anatomy" writer Krista Vernoff lose 40 pounds after her pregnancy, it's the perfect program for people who always say they're too busy to work out. The book explains how to organize opposing teams, set goals and compete to earn points for healthy meals, and to make exercise and lifestyle changes.
Read an excerpt of the book below and head to the "GMA" Library for more good reads. This is not really a diet book. I hate diets. Everyone I know hates diets. Diets are stupid and hard and not fun, and worse than that, they rarely work. I can only pull my theory on why they don't work from my own experience, which is that they suck and are stupid and not fun. But more than that, if you have any rebellious spirit in you whatsoever, you're gonna rebel against the deprivation of a diet.
And whether you rebel at the beginning, the middle, or the end of the diet, the results will be the same: you'll eat like crazy and refuse to move your butt an inch off the couch for weeks. You'll undo any good you may have done, and, if you're like me, you'll end up fatter, flabbier, unhappier, and with lower self-esteem than you had when you started. I should note here that I am not anything resembling a doctor (though I write some on TV) and neither is Az. Az is really into fitness and we are friends and we played a game together and it made us healthier and now we want to share it with you.

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