Tuesday, June 15, 2010



general weakness when David Petraeus came to the attention of the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate this morning. But before the break came the weak - a general reluctance to answer a question that spoke volumes about Obama's problems in Afghanistan.

The moment came when Senator Carl Levin (D-Mich.), chairman of the committee, Petraeus on the date in July 2011 President Obama in December last year to start the withdrawal of U.S. troops requested. "If you say that to continue the President's policy to support both in terms of additional troops, but also the determination of Vermindering date for the start", click Levin, "... it represents a personal best professionele point of view? "

Implicit in these comments was a recognition of the problem that haunted the U.S. mission since Obama put his strategy - and that continues to divide its military and civil servants. Sen. McCain (R-Ariz. John) unambiguously described the problems during the hearing, saying that the deadline was "to convince the major players within and outside Afghanistan that the U.S. is more interested in stopping to succeed in this conflict. And consequently, they are all you need for a post-American Afghanistan. "

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